Sonar.Pictures 3
Dating sites have advanced over the years to allow people the opportunity to chat and maybe arrange a date with someone suitable. Not everyone takes dating sites seriously or don't think about what they should say about themselves, Here is a few examples of what not to say.
This stallion wants to hold a large snake be eaten alive by a large snake and have insects crawl all over his body probably after being squeezed to death so he probably wont get beaten up oh well nevermind ladies.
What ever you do don't turn up at her house on a mountain bike in full gear after forgetting to text after being to the beach with trails of sand all over your clothes and telling her you are building a park in your garden and would you like to go on holiday to Barbados and drink plenty of Cider. Could I pop in for a cuppa and could you fix my torn sweater by any chance.

This lady has a mole on her vulva, At least she's honest.

This guy is worried he may be single for his entire life and may have not realised he's a woman.

This religious believer met up with Jesus on March 15th to discuss what heaven will be like so will have plenty to talk about Amen.

Even Superman is in on the dating game he is faster than a speeding bullet ladies.

I am pretty sure they do and it's only a phonecall away.

At least he's being honest but probably not the right thing too say on a dating site.

These people are just being themselves and we shouldn't keep secrets from each other. Honesty is a virtue and you should always try and open up about things. There are plenty of dating sites to choose from and some are free.
Elite Singles, Match, OKCupid, eharmony to name a few,
This guy wants a fight and bicep curling challenge, Maybe he was an extra from the warriors movie.

This hunk admits he Farts a lot but he might get lucky.